Tobi advises Nina not to doubt Miracle’s love
After Nina lost the Arena games, she became moody and transferred her anger to Miracle. During a conversation with Tobi, he advised her to not doubt Miracle’s love for her as he genuinely likes her.
Tobi told her that their relationship is the only genuine relationship in the house.
Bambam and Teddy A fight over food
Romantic partners Bambam and Teddy A got into a little fight after Teddy A called Bambam out for wanting to have an extra piece of chicken while she hadn’t finished the one served last night.
He felt that was selfish and equivalent to cheating the system.
Bam Bam tried to defend herself by explaining that the morning’s share was rightfully hers and therefore, she wasn’t trying to cheat anyone of a meal.
Teddy A seemed to be very passionate about the issue that kept insisting she was wrong.
During Bam Bam’s DIary session, she explained how everything went down ;
Diary Sessions
Biggie was no holds barred tonight during the Diary Sessions, emotions ranged from introspect and joy to tears and truth.
The Highs and the Lows
Biggie probed the Housemates tonight and the reactions were very interesting, two of the most extreme cases tonight came in the form of Nina and Angel and Ahneeka. Nina, who is known for not holding back during her Diary Session was literally like a consultation with a psychologist. Nina burst into tears only five minutes after sitting down and Biggie had to come to her aid. She was extremely frustrated over the Pepsi “Roc Da Mat” challenge. Biggie even did a light meditation with her to clear her mind and told her to stop doubting herself. Angel and Ahneeka on the other end of the scale were bundles of joy. Angel fully admitted to his true feelings from Ahneeka and Ahneeka acted like a smitten school girl during her session and expressed mixed feelings over winning the Arena Games. behaving shyly when asked about Angel and admitting her physical attraction to him.
Truthful Tobi
Tobi is a stand-up guy and he is always honest during his Diary Sessions but tonight he really played into his role of HoH. Basically he stated that he felt none of the relationships in the House were real apart from Miracle and Nina’s. He said everyone was just making strategic moves. He was also clear that he did have feelings for Cee-C but he has since different side to her and it has not been good for him.
Real Love
One of the questions that Biggie asked all the Housemates tonight was if he felt any of the relationships in the House were real. Every single Housemate had one constant, Nina and Miracle really had true feelings for one another and everyone felt that their relationship would evolve beyond the House. Could it be true love?
Another consistent fact that each Housemate expressed was their frustration towards the “Roc Da Mat” Challenge. Nina and Teddy A were the most distraught but BamBam also brought up how savage everyone had become all in the name of competition.
Arena Games
Girl Power
The Friday Night Arena Games have been male dominated ever since Double Wahala started but tonight marked the turn of the tide. First it looked as though Ifu Ennada was going to take the title until Ahneeka came through with a bang! She literally stunned everyone when she cremated the Arena Games in less than 2 minutes. None of the guys came close.